Reinventing the Law and Legal Practice


How Lawyers Can Respond 
to a 
More Demanding, More Competitive Legal Market

Kandy Hopkins, at the Attorney at Work blawg, has nicely pulled together some of the presentations, commentary, and reviews of the conference in New York on the topic of reinventing the practice of law. I've blogged on this topic here, herehere, here, and here.

Kandy's overview says:
The daylong conference in New York City gathered more than 800 attendees who watched nearly 40 speakers, in an event “devoted to law, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the legal services industry.” The word on the web from those who attended? While the conference didn’t answer exactly how or when technology will transform the legal industry, it did offer two things not often seen in the industry: hope and possibilities. Here’s some scoop on more things bloggers and others are sharing about the conference and its innovation theme.
She then organizes links into five categories:

1.  The highlight reel.
2.  Focus on clients. 
3. "Tiny law" gets a spotlight.
4.  Not all was golden (or new).
5. Change is possible.

I'll be spending many hours opening those links and digesting the material.  We are in the midst of a revolution.  Ready or not, here it comes!

March 2, 2014 Update:  And, this infograhic sums up so very much about the revolution. 

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