The Red Velvet Lawyer Mentioned in ABA Online Newsletter

type='html'>From the February 21, 2014 ABA online newsletter:

Question of the Week

We want to hear from you.

Have you ever had a law prof use TV or film to illustrate a concept?

Image from Shutterstock.

On a recent snowy Friday when only five students could make it to class, Appalachian School of Law professor Paula Marie Young decided that she would screen a long excerpt from the the film The Negotiator.

"It illustrates so many concepts I discuss in my courses," Young wrote at her blog, The Red Velvet Lawyer. Young teaches certified civil mediation and dispute resolution.
There's also a TV series Young likes for this purpose: "I could create an entire course based on the negotiation tactics Francis Underwood uses inHouse of Cards," she wrote in a short subsequent post. "My idea. Don't steal it, please."

Using a fictional dramas to teach law students isn't unheard of: A William & Mary law professor created a textbook and class titled: The Wire: Crime, Law and Policy, based on the HBO television show. But how often is it really done?

So this week, we'd like to ask you: Have you ever had a law prof use TV or film to illustrate a concept? If so, which program or movie? If you have your own ideas about films or TV shows that lawyers or law students could learn a thing or two from, share that as well. (But be sensitive to your fellow readers—and moderators—and include spoiler warnings if you want to discuss the just-released season of House of Cards.)

Answer in the comments.

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